Chicken and Sausage Gumbo with Dried Shrimp

  • 1 large fryer chicken (3 to 4 lb), skinned
  • 1 lb of hot smoked sausage
  • 12 cello packs of Badia Dried Shrimp (soaked in 2 cups of warm water)
  • 1 cup cooking oil
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3/4 cup chopped onion
  • 1/2 cup chopped bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup chopped celery
  • 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 3/4 tsp Badia Seafood Seasoning Creole Blend
  • 1-1/2 gallons of water (cold)
  • 1 tbs of chopped onion tops end parsley

  • Cut up fryer chicken, remove skins
  • Wash chicken, drain water
  • Season chicken, set aside
  • Make roux by browning flour in hot cooking oil until the flour is very brown, but not burned. A roux takes constant stirring over medium heat as it browns, lower heat. When desired color is reached, immediately remove from the hot burner to a cold one or roux will bum. Continue to stir roux until it stops frying.
  • In a large pot, add cold water and roux
  • Let roux dissolve as it comes to a boil over medium heat
  • Add seasonings except parsley and onion tops
  • Let mixture come to a boil again until vegetables are limp
  • Add chicken, sausage and dried shrimp with water to gumbo pot
  • Let gumbo cook over medium heat about 1 to 1-1/2 hours, stirring occasionally
  • The gumbo is cooked when grease (oil) rises above the gumbo liquid
  • Skin excess grease from the gumbo pot
  • Chicken should be tender but not failing off the bone
  • Check to see it gumbo is seasoned enough, if more is needed, add creole seasoning to suit your taste
  • Simmer gumbo on low heat
  • Add onion tops and parsley
  • Gumbo file’ may be added to gumbo bowls if desired

Serve over mounds of hot rice, potato salad and parsley, buttered French bread.


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