Badia is committed to protecting, respecting, and advancing human rights in all of our operations. We treat others with respect and dignity, encourage diversity and diverse opinions, provide safe working conditions and promote equal opportunity for all.
We prohibit harassment, bullying, discrimination and use of child, compulsory or forced labor.
We also have a zero tolerance policy prohibiting slavery or the trafficking of persons for any purpose.
We expect our contractors and suppliers to also uphold these and similar socially responsible important principles and comply with all laws and regulations in the countries in which they operate, and require agreements with them to the following:
- Employment is freely chosen. There is no use of Slave Labor, forced labor or imprisoned labor. Documents are not lodged, and employees are free to leave after giving reasonable notice.
- Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective bargaining is respected.
- Working conditions are Safe and Hygienic.
- No Child labor is used.
- Living Wages are paid.
- Working hours are not excessive.
- Discrimination is not practiced in any way.
- Regular employment is provided.
- No harsh or inhuman treatment is allowed.
- All national and local laws are complied with.
We maintain the right to monitor compliance with this policy through the unannounced inspection of facilities by third-party monitors as well as by Badia representatives.
Badia Spices, LLC.
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